Work/Life Balance - Part 3 - Outcomes
Why is work/life balance important?
A major part of your balance depends on your dream of owning your own business. That dream dictates your business style – Lifestyle or Legacy. There is nothing right or wrong with your choice, but it will require plans, goals, a mission statement, and outcome based on that style.
Almost all Home-based, Mom Owned Businesses (MOB) are lifestyle. They get attention10-2 while the kids are in school. Farmer’s Market Vendors can look to family to watch kids while they sell on weekends. Online operation can be managed at many different times every day.
A legacy business is created with a long-term business solution in mind. It solves a problem and is much more formal in nature due to the number of employees required. The founder is not the face of the business, they are the planner. They control the message but are not the messenger.
But the success of both styles requires the founder Knowing Their Desired Outcome.
What is your definition of Work/Life Balance based on your desired outcome?
Your outcome includes:
- Less stress
- Lower risk of burnout
- Increased productivity
- Increased creativity
- Greater sense of well-being
- Higher retention rate
- Equal personal time – in satisfaction not minutes
Determine Your Outcome
Not sure what your desired outcome is? Let’s Determine Your Outcome by writing about the following questions. Get out your journal and free-write on your life experiences and use them to your advantage.
Cast your mind back over the past and identify your 3 biggest achievements. What were they?
Write as much as you want about each achievement.
Now that you recognize your milestones, let’s look at your challenges and failures.
Remember, your SWOT Analysis should help guide you. If you didn’t complete one, stop here and finish it first.
Then write responses to these two questions:
- What have been your greatest concerns or challenges in recent years and how will/have you overcome them?
- Wat have been your biggest disappointments in recent years and why?
Vision Statement
Now break out your vision statement. How do your last 2 answers merge with your vision statement? If you don’t have one, stop here and write one.
Having a powerful vision helps put the rest of life into perspective and keep daily pressures from seeming so catastrophic.
Take time to write a 3-year vision. Where would you like to be 3 years from now? Include both work and life elements.
How do you feel about your plan?
What difference would you like to make?
Using a ranking # of 1 (the least important) and #10 (the most important part of your life), place a number in front of each item below. (They could be all 10’s, but should vary in value)
_____ Home _____ Work/Business
_____ Family _____ Health/Well Being
_____ Finances _____ Relationships
_____ Spiritual _____ Any Others __________________________________________
Using Your Vision Statement and your priorities, you can now identify your 3-year vision and desired outcomes.
Starting with the most important aspects of your work/life, write about them. Include how you feel about them. Then double check yourself by answering this question:
If there was one important change you could make in the next 3 months, what would it be?
See how that change would impact your vision and mission statements. Then look at your goals for the next 3 years and determine if that is feasible. How does that change your outcome?
Next week - Work/Life Balance Part 4