
We’re here to create and maintain an affordable community  for business owners, now or in the future, seeking to give and receive support.

To provide small business owners support in a new way through an affordable membership program designed to provide

Coaching – Sharing – Caring

  • 2 hrs of complimentary coaching to anyone that is working on their small business.
  • Journals
  • Downloadables
  • Worksheets
  • Shippable Products
  • Planners
  • Affilitate Programs

And other methods as they arise that meets our standards and mission.

Started in 2014, by Women's Business Center of Utah Coach, Jana Hassett, the Women In Business – Network (WIB-N) has grown and includes teachers, bloggers, business owners, consultants, and others seeking to “Make a difference” in the lives of Women Business Owners by "passing it on".  

Visit the Membership Page to learn more about how you can benefit from an affordable membership in WIB-N.

Your email is private and secure. We don't rent, sell, loan or share emails with anyone for any reason. And you can unsubscribe whenever you choose. We value your membership.
